We find APEX to be a priceless source of knowledge, motivation, and networking aid. The APEX Accelerator always makes time to work with clients. They are reliable and approachable.
~ Tequita Liben, Owner

Half the Sky is a family-owned business which distributes mechanical, machine-driven parts for automobiles, marine craft, aircraft and aeronautical crafts. The company became a Tennessee APEX Accelerator (previously Tennessee PTAC) client in 2019 after Half the Sky’s Tequita Liban attended an APEX Accelerator government contracting seminar and realized the benefits of becoming a client.
APEX Accelerator counselor Veronica Clark walked Tequita through the process of updating the company’s federal database registrations, developing a capability statement and bidding on government contracts. Within just a few months of becoming a client, Half the Sky landed a contract with the Army Corps of Engineers.
Tequita continues to work with Veronica as the company prepares to compete for more government contracts and takes advantage of free seminars and training offered by APEX to help build Half the Sky’s competitive edge. She credits the APEX Accelerator for helping the company learn how to best approach government contracts at all levels: federal, state, local, as well as those available through prime government contractors. She says she is very appreciative of the insight the APEX Accelerator provides into navigating the rules and regulations of the contracting process.
Tequita encourages other businesses to engage with the APEX Accelerator. “We find APEX to be a priceless source of knowledge, motivation, and networking aid. The APEX Accelerator always makes time to work with clients. They are reliable and approachable.”
Visit https://halftheskyllc.com/ to learn more.
Tennessee APEX Accelerator, assists businesses in competing successfully in federal, state and local government contracting. The University of Tennessee Center for Industrial Services has provided these services since 1986. This APEX Accelerator is funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Defense. Tennessee APEX Accelerator services are delivered at no charge. For more information, email apex@tennessee.edu.